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Christopher Alexander was known for his theories on bringing humanity into architecture. He believed everyone possessed the ability to create and design a space that he called alive. His book, Pattern language, is based on core belief that people should design their own communities. Observation is that some of the best places in the world were desi
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Universe Guiding Design Principles: 1) playful interfaces that induce flow state. 2) magical canvas: universe is an open-ended tool but we help you make it beautiful. 3) progressive disclosure: something exceedingly powerful to use but very easy. these things are at tension with each other which is very hard. one answer is progressive disclosure w
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The process is the product - Apple and Pixar produce world class work and their secret is repeatable creative processes that offer great results.The process is the product - Apple and Pixar produce world class work and their secret is repeatable creative processes that offer great results.
Colin Dunn • - YouTube
Apple designs their products for an emotional response. Start by asking "what do you want somebody to feel" and then they craft around that intention
Colin Dunn • - YouTube
why does this matter? to me the internet today feels like a theme park, which is what happens when you design in a top-down, manicured way. even though its UGC creators on tiktok and youtube are at the mercy of the algorithm
Colin Dunn • - YouTube
Tools extend our reach, give us new abilities, and help us shape societies in profound ways. When we design a tool, it takes on a life of its own and exerts its will upon us. Example: a car was a way to get from point A to point B, but when we realized we needed roads and parking lots which changed our cities. We shape the car, and then the car sha
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