- YouTube
The process is the product - Apple and Pixar produce world class work and their secret is repeatable creative processes that offer great results.The process is the product - Apple and Pixar produce world class work and their secret is repeatable creative processes that offer great results.
Colin Dunn • - YouTube
we have an opportunity to create an internet that feels alive, like cities. cities are diverse, eclectic, vibrant, messy. cities are human. let's bring humanity to the internet.
Colin Dunn • - YouTube
Tools extend our reach, give us new abilities, and help us shape societies in profound ways. When we design a tool, it takes on a life of its own and exerts its will upon us. Example: a car was a way to get from point A to point B, but when we realized we needed roads and parking lots which changed our cities. We shape the car, and then the car sha
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