An Algorithm for Quality

You and the Algorithm: It Takes Two to Tango | by Nick Clegg | Mar, 2021 | Medium
Nick Cleggnickclegg.medium.com
The introduction of the “feed” in modern social media has been controversial. At its core, “algorithmic curation is ultimately about power — about who controls what we see and how we see it.” As our lawmakers now discuss this question on Capitol Hill, most of the discussion is centered around how we can “fix” the feed. However, our political and te... See more
Drew Tada • Not Found

The network of algorithms makes so many decisions for us, and yet we have little way of talking back to it or changing how it works.
This imbalance induces a state of passivity: We consume what the feeds recommend to us without engaging too deeply with the material.
We also adapt the way we present ourselves online to its incentives. We write tweet
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But what if we had algorithms that a) knew us and b) optimized for what we consider is in our best interests and matches our priorities.