• from Creative Writing with an AI-Powered Writing Assistant: Perspectives from Professional Writers

    sari added

  • from My writing robot by Kyle Chayka

    sari and added

  • Michael Dean added

  • My A.I. Writing Robot

    by Kyle Chayka

    Thumbnail of My A.I. Writing Robot

    andrea and added

  • from My writing robot by Kyle Chayka

    sari added

  • from Ben’s Perspective Part 2: A Few Thoughts About Chatgpt With Ben Horowitz by Ben Horowitz

    sari added

  • AI can’t kill anything worth preserving - Austin Kleon

    by Austin Kleon

    3 highlights

    Thumbnail of AI can’t kill anything worth preserving - Austin Kleon

    sari and added

  • Confessions of a Viral AI Writer

    by Vauhini Vara

    Thumbnail of Confessions of a Viral AI Writer

    phoebe and added