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AI in 2023: The Application Layer Has Arrived
Of course, there are major ethical issues to work out—leaps forward in technology often walk a fine line between deeply-impactful and dystopian. Among the questions we need to figure out:
- Who is responsible for AI’s mistakes?
- Who is the creator of an AI work? Is it the AI? The developers? The person who wrote the prompt? The people whose work was use
Rex Woodbury • AI in 2023: The Application Layer Has Arrived
A looming question mark is how companies will build competitive moats; true tech differentiation is rare, and companies will need to find ways to stay ahead of competition, perhaps with network effects or with iterative loops of user engagement and product refinement.
Rex Woodbury • AI in 2023: The Application Layer Has Arrived
We don’t think it’s really about art or making deepfakes, but—how do we expand the imaginative powers of the human species? And what does that mean? What does it mean when computers are better at visual imagination than 99 percent of humans? That doesn’t mean we will stop imagining. Cars are faster than humans, but that doesn’t mean we stopped walk... See more