AI #32: Lie Detector

Chiang’s view is that large language models (or LLMs), the technology underlying chatbots such as ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, are useful mostly for producing filler text that no one necessarily wants to read or write, tasks that anthropologist David Graeber called “bullshit jobs”. AI-generated text is not delightful, but it could perhaps be useful i
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The LLMentalist Effect: How Chat-Based Large Language Models Replicate the Mechanisms of a Psychic’s Con
Baldur Bjarnasonsoftwarecrisis.dev

The world of writing has changed forever.
AI is getting really good, really fast. ChatGPT is already a better writer than most humans and some professional writers. So, what’s the future of writing?
18 thoughts from Tyler Cowen:
1) Don't let AI smooth out your idiosyncrasies. Let your writing stay weird and uniquely yours.
2) Generic content is... See more
ChatGPT is bullshit - Ethics and Information Technology