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Age of Entanglement
In the Age of Entanglement it becomes impossible to discern one ingredient from another. Taxonomies are defunct; disciplinary walls dissolve. At the extrapolated summit of the KCC as Gyroscope, all silos coalesce (back) into the Pangea of information.
Neri Oxman • Age of Entanglement
How can we navigate an atlas that is charted not for four hats, but for one pair of shoes, and with which we can—including some luck and a quantum leap-of-faith—inhabit multiple places at once?
Neri Oxman • Age of Entanglement
This essay proposes a map for four domains of creative exploration—Science, Engineering, Design and Art—in an attempt to represent the antidisciplinary hypothesis: that knowledge can no longer be ascribed to, or produced within, disciplinary boundaries, but is entirely entangled.
Neri Oxman • Age of Entanglement
The Krebs Cycle of Creativity (KCC) is a map that describes the perpetuation of creative energy (creative ATP or ‘CreATP’), analogous to the Krebs Cycle proper. In this analogy, the four modalities of human creativity—Science, Engineering, Design and Art—replace the Krebs Cycle’s carbon compounds. Each of the modalities (or ‘compounds‘) produces ‘c... See more
Neri Oxman • Age of Entanglement
Stated differently, if you’re a citizen in one, you’re a tourist in another1Paul T. Kidd. But how can we become constant travelers within a border-free, and lingo-legible ‘intellectual Pangea?'