Accomplishment vs. Achievement
The words accomplishment and achievement usually signify conspicuous, outwardly-visible gains, often ones that come with status and material rewards. Do an image search for either word and it’s all grad ceremonies, sports medals, boardroom handshakes, and people standing on mountains. But there’s so much more being achieved in the human world.
David Cain • Most Accomplishments Are Invisible
50:05 - The motivation behind your “luck creation activities” matters. Outcomes are secondary to you loving the process. You'll have a worse product if you are motivated by the benefit first. Things you might love: the process, the act itself, the people you're surrounded by, the tools you’re using, or the mission. Adam's example: he was passionate... See more
Adam Wiggins • Career with swyx // Metamuse podcast episode 53
Many of us spend our lives pursuing private acceptance through external success. But no matter the award or honor, our inner doubts will remain. True acceptance comes from inside us. It takes asking ourselves challenging questions like: What do I want from my work? What’s most important about it to me ? How would I create my work differently if I p... See more
Yancey Strickler • What if You Gave Yourself the Gift of Inner Acceptance?
making lifelong friends. In my mind and for the purposes of this book, I define achievement as having a good life; getting the job of living done in a satisfying way that nurtures the life force within us and within those we associate with. It entails developing some self-mastery to handle the difficult aspects of our lives and relationships. It in
... See moreBernard Roth • The Achievement Habit: Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and Take Command of Your Life
If not things like money, awards, honors, prizes, and medals—what should we strive for? “When we were writing Good Will Hunting ,” Matt Damon said, “Ben [Affleck] and I always talked about just wanting to love it. We would say, ‘If it’s just a tape on our mantel that no one ever watches, we want to love it.’ We kind of stumbled into a very wise str... See more
Billy Oppenheimer • SIX at 6: Pacific Salmon, a Heartbreaking Thought, the .01%, the Pinnacle, the Nobel Prize, and the Work Itself
It is when you begin expressing your ideas and turning your knowledge into action that life really begins to change. You’ll read differently, becoming more focused on the parts most relevant to the argument you’re building. You’ll ask sharper questions, no longer satisfied with vague explanations or leaps in logic. You’ll naturally seek venues to
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