• from Atemporality for the Creative Artist by Bruce Sterling

    Sixian added

  • from A Personal Philosophy of Shared Knowledge by Willa Köerner

    Sixian added

  • from Hyperconnected Culture and Its Discontents by Rogers Brubaker

    MK and added

  • from Hyperconnected Culture and Its Discontents by Rogers Brubaker

    MK added

  • from All That Is Solid Melts Into Information by Noema

    Keely Adler added

  • from Rethinking Digital Platforms for the Post-COVID-19 Era by Jennifer Cobbe

    sari added

  • from Hyperconnected Culture and Its Discontents by Rogers Brubaker

    Keely Adler added

  • from Article by Ethan Mollick

    Behruz Davletov added