ABCD Process | The Natural Step Germany![Thumbnail of ABCD Process | The Natural Step Germany](
ABCD Process | The Natural Step Germany
The challenge is to structure one’s workflow in a way that insight and new ideas can become the driving forces that push us forward. We do not want to make ourselves dependent on a plan that is threatened by the unexpected, like a new idea, discovery – or insight.
But ‘backcasting’ methods quickly run into the sand for the reasons cited earlier—time moves in only one direction and all real-world processes involve learning, adaptation and evolution. The ideal of working backwards from a chosen end—the engineering model—usually needs to be combined with the mindset of a gardener, who focuses on beginnings rath
... See moreevery question that emerges out of our slip-box will naturally and handily come with material to work with. If we look into our slip-box to see where clusters have built up, we not only see possible topics, but topics we have already worked on – even if we were not able to see it up front. The idea that nobody ever starts from scratch suddenly beco
... See moreA more creative alternative is the ‘backcasting’ method proposed by John Robinson and offered as an alternative to forecasting. This encourages starting with a vision of the future and then projecting backwards to the steps needed in the present to achieve it. This is useful as a prompt—policymaking is always better if it works backwards from desir
... See moreThe CSV Boundary Framework The CSV Boundary Framework has two very important purposes. First, it makes sure the strategic vision is achievable. A good CSV may be aggressive and it may be a stretch to accomplish, but it shouldn’t be impossible or even unrealistic. A realistic CSV is aligned with the company’s strategies, as well as the outside world
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