Saved by Andrew Tam and
A Stupid Bravery
Saved by Andrew Tam and
Ed Sheeran and Neil Gaiman are in the top 0.000001% of their fields. They're among, say, 25 people in the world who repeatedly generate blockbusters.
If two world-class creators share the exact same creative process, I get curious. Also, while writing this, I found a video of John Mayer doing the same thing.
I call their approach the Creativity Fauce
... See moreIf your intention is to ‘make art’, then maybe you’ll get a couple of good paintings. You may even get a show or two.
But I think of it this way: I don’t make art. I make things . Framing it like that keeps what I’m doing from becoming precious. And that’s a good thing, because to be precious is to be timid—and that’s bad. Creativity requires attent
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