A Simpler Life: A guide to greater serenity, ease and clarity
It’s not that it’s impossible to be stimulated in the great urban core – rather it is possible to be inspired anywhere. At root, inspiration is the discovery of the greater meaning of something that seems, initially, unimpressive.
The School of Life • A Simpler Life: A guide to greater serenity, ease and clarity
People become frustratingly complicated when they doubt the legitimacy of their desires – and therefore don’t dare to tell the world what they properly want and feel.
The School of Life • A Simpler Life: A guide to greater serenity, ease and clarity
We discover the joys of simple communication when we can accept that what we want is almost never impossible for others to bear; it’s the cover-up that maddens and pains.
The School of Life • A Simpler Life: A guide to greater serenity, ease and clarity
However, it’s important to understand that our worry about money is – in most countries at this point in history – typically disconnected from any issues of survival. We could keep going on much less than we have – as almost everyone who ever lived has done. What drives us to accumulate is a psychological necessity, not a material one. We are under
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Simplicity in our familial relationships must spring from a recognition of the inherent complexity of what we’re trying to do – which is to get on well with someone who has unavoidably damaged us and whose outlook on life can never reasonably align with our own.
The School of Life • A Simpler Life: A guide to greater serenity, ease and clarity
We crave simplicity not because we are simple, but because we are drowning in complexity.
The School of Life • A Simpler Life: A guide to greater serenity, ease and clarity
because parents are a generation older, much of what shaped them stemmed from a world with priorities, values, anxieties and hopes that seem strange – even reprehensible – to their children, but that were, and still are, urgent and real for them.
The School of Life • A Simpler Life: A guide to greater serenity, ease and clarity
A ‘simple person’ is someone who speaks plainly about what they really want and who they really are.
The School of Life • A Simpler Life: A guide to greater serenity, ease and clarity
Seneca built a small chamber not unlike a prison cell. Once a week or so he would sleep there, on a bare bunk, eating only old bread and olives and drinking water. This activity was part of what he called a ‘premeditation’ – a rehearsal of what it would be like actually to face his fears. ‘We suffer more often in imagination than in reality,’ he wr
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The crucial step towards leading a simpler life isn’t – as we might initially suppose – to get rid of things. It’s to ask ourselves what our true longings are and what are the ends at which we are aiming. Simplicity isn’t so much a life with few things and commitments in it, as a life with the right, necessary things, attuned to our flourishing. Ou
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