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A Religious Realignment
...perhaps it is time to return to the power of love, compassion, inspiration, and humility – principals closely tied to religious ideology...
Meera Clark • A Religious Realignment
The norm of the Western world is, objectively, shifting towards a more secularly oriented society and the repercussions cannot be ignored.
Meera Clark • A Religious Realignment
By better understanding religion’s resounding impact on both individual and shared experience over time, we can enhance the lives of millions by addressing the gaps forming as a result of religion’s relative retreat in certain ecosystems.
Meera Clark • A Religious Realignment
...loneliness levels have reached an all-time peak, 13% of Americans are on antidepressants, the U.S. suicide rate is at its highest since World War II, and polarization appears to be rising...
Meera Clark • A Religious Realignment
A century ago, Nietzsche suggested that the Western world was killing God by replacing Him with ourselves.
Meera Clark • A Religious Realignment
Church membership in the U.S. has dropped by roughly 25% since 2000. Today, less than half of American millennials identify with a place of worship.
Meera Clark • A Religious Realignment
Religion’s role in society is shifting. How might a conversation between the ancient and the emergent transform the next decade?
Meera Clark • A Religious Realignment
Religion’s participation rate worldwide is greater than that of the internet...