a matryoshka of possibilities
The creation of a new reality is centered on three tenets: narrative, curation, and repetition. A story is how we navigate the ambiguity of our environment, how we make sense of the world. It’s the promised land, a vision worth aspiring to, or a reading of the world worth attaching to. A story either inspires us to make a future destination our hom... See more
Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Yuval Noah Harari, Kamala Harris, the Pope, and Samuel Beckett Walk Into a Bar | House of Beautiful Business
The creation of a new reality is centered on three tenets: narrative, curation, and repetition.
A story is how we navigate the ambiguity of our environment, how we make sense of the world. It’s the promised land, a vision worth aspiring to, or a reading of the world worth attaching to. A story either inspires us to make a future destination our hom... See more
A story is how we navigate the ambiguity of our environment, how we make sense of the world. It’s the promised land, a vision worth aspiring to, or a reading of the world worth attaching to. A story either inspires us to make a future destination our hom... See more
🏡 Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Yuval Noah Harari, Kamala Harris, the Pope, and Samuel Beckett Walk Into a Bar
If you start with the way the world “is,” then try to make the way it “is” different, you are making an unconscious decision to improve within the context of a game someone else invented. You are competing. But if you start with the way it “could be,” if you assume the possible and stand in the future, you give yourself the opportunity to write new
... See moreCategory Pirates, Christopher Lochhead, Eddie Yoon, Katrina Kirsch, • The 22 Laws of Category Design
We are all engaged in two projects: living life, and telling stories about it. Our lives as lived are often chaotic, jumbled, aimless. They suggest no obvious purpose. Think of William James’s “blooming, buzzing confusion,” or what Joan Didion called “the shifting phantasmagoria which is our actual experience.” We make this chaos workable, as Didio... See more
The more complex or valuable is whatever you’re trying to sell, the more important it is for you to build a world around that idea, where other people can walk in, explore, and hang out – without you having to be there with them the whole time. You need to build a world so rich and captivating that others will want to spend time in it, even if you’... See more