updated 1mo ago
A healing walk with ancestors along the Trail of Tears
This means tapping into ancestral knowing that is intuitive and inherent, stored in the body and the land and in spirit, accessed through a peak mental state that allows new knowledge to be absorbed at a phenomenal rate. Ancestor-mind can be achieved through cultural activity like carving, painting, weaving, dancing, and any preparations for ritual
... See morefrom Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World by Tyson Yunkaporta
This is the image for ancestor-mind, which is all about deep engagement, connecting with a timeless state of mind or ‘alpha wave state’, an optimal neural state for learning. We can reach this state through most Aboriginal cultural activities. It is characterised by complete concentration, engagement and losing track of linear time. Ancestor-mind c
... See morefrom Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World by Tyson Yunkaporta