• from A cellular theory of communities | thesephist.com by Linus Lee

    sari added

  • from tiny internets: sidewalks, geocaching, and more · tiny internets by Spencer Chang

    Tanuj added

  • from Scaling Intimacy

    sari added

  • Building Brand Communities: How Organizations Succeed by Creating Belonging

    by Carrie Melissa Jones

    Cover of Building Brand Communities: How Organizations Succeed by Creating Belonging
  • from Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel

    Jay Matthews and added

  • from Brands want to be more than your friend. They want community. by Vox

    Keely Adler and added

  • from The new fandom formula by Zoe Scaman

    sari added

  • from Community is About What We Are Willing to Feel

    Sam Liebeskind added