• from Crypto-collective knowledge management by Ryan Muller

    sari added

  • from Programmable Notes by Maggie Appleton

    sari added

  • Personal Knowledge Management Workflow for a Deeper Life — as a Computer Scientist

    Thumbnail of Personal Knowledge Management Workflow for a Deeper Life — as a Computer Scientist

    andrea and added

  • from Personal Knowledge Management Is Bullshit by otherlife.co

    Stuart Evans added

  • The Folksonomy Edition

    by Noah Brier

    2 highlights

    Thumbnail of The Folksonomy Edition

    sari and added

  • from Reconsidering the Role of AI: Valuing Process Over Output

    sari and added

  • Personal Knowledge Management Is Bullshit

    by otherlife.co

    8 highlights

    Stuart Evans and added

  • Personal Kanban: Mapping Work | Navigating Life

    by Tonianne DeMaria Barry

    Cover of Personal Kanban: Mapping Work | Navigating Life