A branding exercise
If your brand isn’t doing everything you hope, it might be because your organization isn’t doing the work that the brand could or should or might promise it does.
Seth Godin • A branding exercise
When I tell the others about what you do, do I feel smart or stupid? Can you establish the conditions where sharing your core ideas and mission is tempting, generous and affirming for the people you need to have talk about it? If your name or logo get in the way of that, please change it.
Seth Godin • A branding exercise
Where is the tension? What will happen if I don’t do something right now? What if I keep quiet? What is imminent, what will I miss? The default is the status quo, the standard response is, “maybe later.” If you don’t create tension, there will be no change.
Seth Godin • A branding exercise
Who is this for? What do they believe, what do they wish for and treasure? Ignore the others.
Seth Godin • A branding exercise
Clarity matters: Being specific and consistent and clear in what you do and what you stand for is challenging work, but worth it. It requires less compromise and a willingness to walk away from all the soft edges that the committee might be insisting on.
We know what the Bat Signal means. We know who’s going to show up, what he’s going to be wearin... See more
We know what the Bat Signal means. We know who’s going to show up, what he’s going to be wearin... See more
Seth Godin • A branding exercise
A brand is not a logo. A brand is a promise, a story and a shorthand. A brand tells us what to expect the next time we engage with you.
Being named Fred is not a brand. Fred is your name, not your promise. If you’re an unreliable, selfish hustler, that’s your brand.
Being named Fred is not a brand. Fred is your name, not your promise. If you’re an unreliable, selfish hustler, that’s your brand.
Seth Godin • A branding exercise
Given that your project isn’t for everyone, the goal isn’t for everyone to understand it. The goal is for people who might take action to understand it enough that they will take action. Every great brand that I know of has as the unspoken next line in their brief: “This might not be for you.”