7 simple habits of the top 1% of engineers
Here is how I hire, listed in priority order.Bandwidth. I'm a snob for intelligence. I like to surround myself with people who are much smarter and faster than me. People who can juggle ten things at once, and handle curve balls. This is a requirement in an entrepreneurial activity, as by definition you are doing something new, so you have to learn... See more
Paul English • Hiring Religion
sari added
I can only truly speak for myself as a 10x developer, and here’s what I believe to be different about me and the other 10x (or even 100x) developers vs my 1–2x peers:
- Understanding how things work.
- I hate “magic” software frameworks and I will spend countless hours making sure I understand what’s going on behind the scenes before I’ll write productio
Liz Brautigan • (23) Quora
Seven attributes of good software: simple, consistent, composable, scalable, obvious, communicative, and accommodating. Some old and new ideas mixed together in one place.
gabriel and added
Don't Call Yourself a Programmer, and Other Career Advice | Kalzumeus Software
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