Another mindblowing conversation with my good friend .@EMostaque... Enjoy!!
00:00 - Introduction
00:22 - AI: The Biggest Shift in Human History
00:42 - AI’s Impact on Society and the Economy
01:03 - Conversation with Emad Mostaque Begins
01:50 - The Acceleration of AI and Economic Takeoff
03:07 - AI Intelligence: Beyond Human IQ
04:08 - The Rise ... See more
But the ancient questions are reemerging due to the unsettling nature of technological change. We are being forced to confront these timeless, existential questions by developments that cause conflict between the three cities: like the possibilities of artificial intelligence, or the moral questions raised by genomics, or the tension between freedo... See more
Perhaps this is why our society has been so stagnant and uncreative in some ways for the past 50 years. We chose the path of comfort, certainty, measurable progress, and indeterminate hedging of bets. In our cowardice, we turned away from the uncertain leaps of faith of collective struggle after fatal ends that would have demanded us to truly live.