28 Pieces of Life Advice - David Perell

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updated 3mo ago

  • Don’t get offended by what others say. When you do, you’re subconsciously telling other people not to tell you the truth, which leads to bigger problems in the long-term.

from 28 Pieces of Life Advice - David Perell

alex added 3mo ago

  • Make decisions easy for busy people. You will rise fast in your career if busy people like working with you. Here’s a tip: when you have a problem to solve, come prepared with a suggested next step. If you have a question, phrase it in a way they can answer yes/no. If there are multiple options, lay them out and ask them to pick one. Try to avoid e
  • ... See more

    from 28 Pieces of Life Advice - David Perell

    alex added 4mo ago

  • Don’t choose what to read based on what was published recently. People have been writing for hundreds of years. Unless you need to for work, why prioritize the past 24 hours?

  • from 28 Pieces of Life Advice - David Perell

    alex added 3mo ago