22 Vital Startup Tips From Y Combinator | Houck's Newsletter
If you’re feeling stuck on your path to PMF, take 10 minutes and deeply think about these questions:
- Is the problem you’re solving truly important and underserved ?
- Is your solution Delta-4 better than the status quo?
- Have you tried rethinking your ICP ? How truly painful is the pain you’re attempting to solve for them?
- Have you tried rethinking you
Lenny Rachitsky • A guide for finding product-market fit in B2B
Step4: Plan Your Company Strategy. You must understand the broader context in which your product will live as a startup founder. Customers usually envision hiring a services firm to come and fix their problems completely as their "ideal solution." As a startup, you should develop a compelling, generalizable solution.
Greylock • “Is There a Pony in There?” Five Steps to Diligence Your B2B Startup Idea
The Minimum Viable Testing Process for Evaluating Startup Ideas
review.firstround.comreview.firstround.comIdeation is an essential part of every startup. There’s a cliché that ideas are a dime a dozen, but executing to get to the right idea is actually key to success. If you are going to dedicate the next ten years of your life to your startup, you will want to spend enough time initially to validate it as a concept worth working on. First look for pro
... See moreAli Tamaseb • Super Founders: What Data Reveals About Billion-Dollar Startups
Entrepreneurial Strategy There are four things an entrepreneur needs: a good idea, a good team, a good product, and a good business model. Interviewing customers, assessing the market, building a MVP, and iterating are all tactics. In the long run, how do we dominate a significant market? In the short term, entrepreneurs tend to focus on a large ma... See more