12 Bytes

In reality, Big Tech is about global reach, global control, and a business model that seeks global power without local responsibility.
Jeanette Winterson • 12 Bytes
In the new world order, capital and property were protected by the death penalty. Human labour was left unprotected. The working man and woman had to manage low pay, hateful conditions, and insecurity of employment. For them, there was neither progress nor improvement.
Jeanette Winterson • 12 Bytes
How we manage the next revolution doesn’t have to be a societal nightmare with benefits eventually trickling down from the few to the many.
Jeanette Winterson • 12 Bytes
Paying less (then as now) was gender-based, with the added advantage of de-skilling a job.
Jeanette Winterson • 12 Bytes
We have signed up to levels of surveillance dictators could only dream about – and struggle to enforce. And we’ve done it freely, willingly, actually without noticing, in the name of connectivity and ‘sharing’.
Jeanette Winterson • 12 Bytes
Our social systems, our hierarchical obsessions, the increasing concentration of wealth and power among a very few – these things are driving our uncomfortable relationship with AI.
Jeanette Winterson • 12 Bytes
The West values action – and in the West we assume that the opposite of active is passive; it isn’t. The opposite of action is contemplation.
Jeanette Winterson • 12 Bytes
It’s the surprise part that Orwell couldn’t predict. He was looking in the wrong direction. Total surveillance. The privatisation of the private.
Jeanette Winterson • 12 Bytes
We don’t all have to make groundbreaking discoveries. Women don’t have to be ‘the best’. Women need to be everywhere, in every role, every workforce – and not at entry level, not at part-time and piecework level, but right in the centre of it all – and in management, taken seriously alongside their male colleagues, not worrying about what will I we
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