added by Sriya Sridhar · updated 3mo ago
10 Charts That Capture How the World Is Changing
- In August of 2021, Statista reported that in an “internet minute,” Facebook users shared over 240,000 photos, Twitter users posted 575,000 tweets, and Discord users sent 668,000 messages. In the same internet minute, TikTok users watched 167M videos, Facebook Live videos received 44M views, and users conducted 5.7M Google searches.
from Roadmap: Curating the internet by Alexandra Sukin
Keely Adler added
- 2020 saw a grand, mostly unnoticed shift in online behaviour: the clickhogs all went catatonic, thick tongues lolling in the muck. On Facebook, the average engagement rate—the number of likes, comments, and shares per follower—fell by 34%, from 0.086 to 0.057….But the same pattern is everywhere. Engagement fell 28% on Instagram and 15% on Twitter. ... See more
from Has the Internet Reached Peak Clickability? by Ted Gioia
sari added
- There is a similar pattern for chat apps: WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Facebook Messenger and Snapchat all have at least 100 million users. Why doesn’t the market tip in favor of one or two of them as the literature suggests?
from The Power of Defaults by Julian Lehr
sari added