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10 Characteristics That Define Gen Z (Part I)
A reason for optimism is that Gen Z’s know their mental health is poor, and they’re taking action. Talking about depression is no longer stigmatized; more and more people are going to therapy. And new companies are emerging to provide support (e.g., Pace, Headway, Sondermind, Grow).
Rex Woodbury • 10 Characteristics That Define Gen Z (Part I)
This underscores a major difference between Millennials and Gen Zs: the former group was taught to burnish their online presence, using every opportunity to stand out and look perfect; the latter group, which has never known a world without social media, prefers blending in and trying on new identities.
Rex Woodbury • 10 Characteristics That Define Gen Z (Part I)
In record numbers, young people are worried about their mental well-being: The mental health crisis has many root causes: the pandemic, student loan debt, gun violence, climate change, a recent reversal of social progress made over the last half-century. And, of course, the ever-growing presence of technology in our lives.
Rex Woodbury • 10 Characteristics That Define Gen Z (Part I)
it’s a directionally correct generalization, and it’s showing itself in where and how people interact online. Many young people prefer the facelessness of Discord, Reddit, a crypto pfp. With the rise of privacy online—both anonymity and pseudonymity—we’ll see more people express themselves through new personas that obscure their “real” identity.
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Rex Woodbury • 10 Characteristics That Define Gen Z (Part I)
When you account for the fact that Gen Z is now the largest generation in the U.S., small-scale behavior changes compound into macro-sized cultural shifts.
Rex Woodbury • 10 Characteristics That Define Gen Z (Part I)
“Internet platforms have enabled new forms of work. They connect worker and consumer, often making work more global, scalable, and frictionless. They make it feasible to earn a living wage online.” That’s proving out, and it’s positioned to be one of the defining trends of the next 30 years.
Rex Woodbury • 10 Characteristics That Define Gen Z (Part I)
Gen Z is the queerest generation in history: It’s stunning to watch the speed with which norms are changing. Gender, masculinity, and sexuality are each becoming more fluid, more complex, more multi-faceted.
As the queer community swells in both size and vibrancy, new businesses are emerging to serve the community. Millions of people who felt overlo... See more
As the queer community swells in both size and vibrancy, new businesses are emerging to serve the community. Millions of people who felt overlo... See more
Rex Woodbury • 10 Characteristics That Define Gen Z (Part I)
much of the growth of Signal, Discord, and web3 can be attributed to the younger generation’s collective exhaustion with “presentation culture.” Privacy goes hand-in-hand with authenticity.
Rex Woodbury • 10 Characteristics That Define Gen Z (Part I)
Related to mental health, young people are exhausted by the internet’s constant connectivity and comparison. Whereas Millennials grew up performing online—curated Insta grids, LinkedIn job announcements (“Some exciting personal news!”), the rise of the personal brand—Gen Zs eschew performance for authenticity. It’s the shift from Kylie Jenner (aspi... See more