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Sublime is not:
Sublime is not another note-taking tool to add your grocery list or to store your kids health insurance info – the ideas that move you should not live alongside the daily minutia.
Sublime is not a read it later tool that becomes a graveyard of junk.
Sublime is not a social network – there’s no likes, no comments, no vanity metrics.
Sublime founder Sari Azout on... Sublime
youtube.comSublime is not a note-taking app
youtube.comI KNOW that the most important thing to do when you’re launching a brand is to explain to people why the f*ck they should care. Why do you exist? Why are you different?
And yet the thing I used to do for other companies in my sleep is what currently keeps me up at night.
Sublime continues to be my nebulous life project. Part web clipper, part PKM, pa... See more
And yet the thing I used to do for other companies in my sleep is what currently keeps me up at night.
Sublime continues to be my nebulous life project. Part web clipper, part PKM, pa... See more
Lessons I'm still learning
received over email:
A personal search engine. A personal digital collection. A social media platform. A knowledge management platform. A digital playground. A second brain. The Pinterest of ideas. A living digital library. A bookmarking tool.
A boutique search engine. Sublime to me is not any of those things, it is not another platform, another cha
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